lundi 12 janvier 2009

「生命を定義する」 Définir la vie (1)

4 février 2008


François Gros (Institut de France)

古代ギリシャの哲学者、医者 (例えば、ピタゴラスエンペドクレスヒポクラテス など) の考え、cosmognoic theory を紹介、特にエンペドクレスの自然の中にある要素、力 (空気、水、火、土) の組み合わせで物質が成り立っているという4元素説に触れる。
   Empédocle d'Agrigente Empedocles
   Pythagore Pythagoras
   Hippocrate Hippocrates

 1) 反応できる
 2) 動くことができる
 3) 調和の取れた形態を持つ
 4) 心と身

錬金術 alchemie, chemiatrics の時代が出てくる。
  Basil Valentin
  パラケルスス Paracelse Paracelsus (1493-1541)

デカルト 心身二元論


  JP Muller
  ゲオルグ・エルンスト・シュタール Georg Ernst Stahl (October 21, 1660 - May 24, 1734) a German chemist and physician
    Theoria medica vera (1707)
    フロギストン説, Phlogiston theory, phlogistique, phlogistics

   カール・フォン・リンネ Carl von Linné Carl Linnæus (May 13, 1707 – January 10, 1778)
   アンドレア・セザルピーノ Andrea Cesalpino André Césalpin (June 6, 1519 – February 23, 1603)

   transformism, Darwinism, neo-Darwinism

End of spontaneous generation ; Emergence of microbiology
  germ theory   
     Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch
  cell theory
     テオドール・シュワン Theodor Schwann Theodor Schwann (7 décembre 1810 – 11 janvier 1882) :

Experimental physiology

  ウイリアム・ハーベー William Harvey William Harvey (April 1, 1578 – June 3, 1657)
  アンドレアス・ヴェサリウス André Vésale Vesalius (Brussels, December 31, 1514 - Zakynthos, October 15, 1564) 解剖
  クロード・ベルナール Claude Bernard Claude Bernard (July 12, 1813 – February 10, 1878) milieu interne, physico-chemical determinism

biochemical era : enzymes metabolism

chemical genetics : law of heredity (Mendel), gene, mutation (Morgan), recombination

molecular biology : double helix, genetic code, gene expression control

genetic engeneering : cloning, split gene, splicing, ribozyme, RNA preceeded DNA

genes of development, embryogenesis, carcinogenesis (oncogene)

microbial genetics → molecular biology of higher organism → genomics → post-genomic era

New approaches & achievements in biology
● cell factory at the post-genomic era ; system biology
● what genomics tell us about evolution
● microbial world & metagenomics = environmental genomics, ecogenomics or community genomics
 *first used in 1998 by Jo Handelsman and others in the University of Wisconsin Department of Plant Pathology
● new RNA world ; RNA world hypothesis
● origin of life : archea, thermophilis, bacteria, exobiology
● transgenics
● from fertilized egg to complete body : revival of embryology, stem cell, reprogramming of nucleus (clonage thépapeutique)
● neuroscience & brain development
● toward environmental biology ? : emerging diseases, GMOs, climate change & biodiversity, maintenance of ecosystems

● comparative genetics
● functional genetics : transcriptome, proteome
● mechanisms of speciation
● genetic variations

% of coding genes in mammalians is extremely low (a few %) compared with lower living organisms (mouse < fly < nematode < yeast < E. coli)

Role of non-coding DNA in humans (97-98% of total)

● transposon-derived repeats
● pseudogenes
● simple sequence repeats (SSRs, microsatellite); minisatellites


● X-linked mental retardation; fragile X syndrome
d/T anomalous CGG triplet repeats in FMR1 (FMRP) gene
its protein function = controls mRNA transition at the nerve endings, affects synaptic plasticity
● autism : neuroligins (NLGN3, NLGN4X) regulating adhesion at the postsynaptic)
● FoxP2 gene : transcription factor
1990 Anthony Monaco; from dysphasic (specific language impairment:SLI) patient (KE family), chr 7
With Svante Pääbo's group in Leipzig, other animals lack human forms (chimp, 2 aa difference), a language gene selected during evolution (20万年)? この遺伝子が言語の発生に関与しているのか?

Definition of life
● equilibrated dosage of naturally occurring elements organized by physical force
● creation of diversity
● morphology, ability to move
● self reproducible system
● machine
● chemical factor, generating its own energy, with catalytic properties
● interaction of informational macromolecules
● highly integrated system, organization, regulated by environment-sensitive loops

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